What's Next for Cement industry?!

We Try to address the big problem of cement manufacturing sector it is CO2 emissions How to control techniques and measures that are available to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the cement manufacturing sector at this time. In general, emissions of CO2 from the cement manufacturing sector can be reduced by: • Improving the energy efficiency of the process, • Shifting to a more energy efficient process (e.g. from wet and long dry to preheater/precalciner process), • Replacing high carbon fuels with low carbon fuels, • Applying lower clinker/cement ratio • Removing CO2 from the flue gases. A- Energy Efficiency Improvements to Reduce GHG Emissions : 1- Raw Material Preparation (Transport System Efficiency Improvements - Raw Meal Blending - High Efficiency Classifiers- Fuel Preparation) 2- Clinker Production (Process Control and Management Systems - Replacement of Kiln Seals - Kiln Combustion System Improvements - Use of Fluxes and Mineraliz...