What's Next for Cement industry?!

We Try to address the big problem of cement manufacturing sector it is CO2 emissions
How to control techniques and measures that are available to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the cement manufacturing sector at this time.
In general, emissions of CO2 from the cement manufacturing sector can be reduced by:
• Improving the energy efficiency of the process,
• Shifting to a more energy efficient process (e.g. from wet and long dry to
preheater/precalciner process),
• Replacing high carbon fuels with low carbon fuels,
• Applying lower clinker/cement ratio
• Removing CO2 from the flue gases.
A- Energy Efficiency Improvements to Reduce GHG Emissions:
1- Raw Material Preparation
(Transport System Efficiency Improvements - Raw Meal Blending - High Efficiency Classifiers- Fuel Preparation)
2- Clinker Production
(Process Control and Management Systems - Replacement of Kiln Seals - Kiln Combustion System Improvements - Use of Fluxes and Mineralizers to Reduce Energy Demand - Kiln/Preheater Insulation - Refractory Material Selection - Grate Cooler Conversion - Heat Recovery for Power – Cogeneration - Suspension Preheater Low Pressure Drop Cyclones - Conversion to Multistage Preheater - Kiln Drive Efficiency Improvement - Adjustable Speed Drive for Kiln Fan - Oxygen Enrichment - Mid Kiln Firing - Air Mixing Technology - Preheater Riser Duct Firing
3- Finish Grinding
(Improved Ball Mills - High Efficiency Classifiers)
4- Facility Operations
High Efficiency Motors through (Strategic motor selection , Maintenance ,Proper size , Adjustable speed drives , Power factor correction and Minimize voltage unbalances)
Variable Speed Drives
High Efficiency Fans
Optimization of Compressed Air Systems through
• Keep the surfaces of the compressor and intercooling surfaces clean
• Keep motors properly lubricated and cleaned
• Inspect drain traps
• Maintain the coolers
• Check belts for wear
• Replace air lubricant separators as recommended
• Check water cooling systems
Lighting System Efficiency Improvements
B- Raw Material Substitution to Reduce GHG Emissions
1- Decarbonated Feedstocks (Steel Slag or Fly Ash)
2- Calcereous Oil Shale
3- Blended Cements
4- Cementitious Materials
5- Pozzolanic Materials
C- Carbon Capture and Storage
1- Calera Process
3-Post-Combustion Solvent Capture and Stripping
4-Post-Combustion Membranes
5- Superheated Calcium Oxide (CaO)
D-Other Measures to Reduce GHG Emissions
1- Fuel Switching
2- Alternative Fuels – Biomass
3- Power Plant/Cement Plant Carbonate Looping (Solid Sorbent Process)
4- Chemical Looping

To estimate the capital costs for the energy efficiency
measures using the following equation:
Capital Costs ($) = Scale-Up Factor x (tons/yr cement capacity)0.6
Scale up factor = 3.1for most kilns
Ref.: XI. References
Barker, D.J., S.A. Turner, P.A. Napier-Moore, M. Clark, and J.E. Davison, 2009. “CO2 Capture
in the Cement Industry,” Energy Procedia, Vol. 1, pp. 87-94.
Bosoago, Adina, Ondrej Masek, and John E. Oakey, 2009. “CO2 Capture Technologies for
Cement Industry,” Energy Procedia, Vol. 1, pp. 133-140.
For more information kindly contact me
Eng. Osama Aly Ahmed
Energy Expert


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