Chrisley’s Daughter

Todd صChrisley’s صDaughterص Lindsieص Accusesص Himص of صExtortingص Herص withص Allegedص Sexص Tape

Lindsieص Chrisley hasص reportedlyص filed a police صreport, صaccusing her brother Chase صand hصer father Tصodd of harassصing andص threatening her with an allegedص sex tصape One mصonth befoصre ToddChrisley was indicted on tax fraud chargesص, hصis صdaugصhter Lindsie صChrisley filed a police report claiming he tried to exصtorصt herص with a sex tape to get her to lie, according to TMZLindsieص, who صis eصstranged from her family, filed the report last mصonth in Geoصrgia, whصich aصccused her brother Chase Chrisley anصd her fatherص of harassingص anصd threateصning her with an allegصed sex tape oصf hers that she beliصeved Chaصse boughtص In the police repصort, obtaصined by TMZ, Lindsie aصlleged that Tصodd and Chصase threatصeneصd to release the sex tape ifص she didn’t lie about a صcertain “incideصصnt.” Todd, however, deniصed these claims to the website.ص He said صhe and hisص son did not purchase صLindsie’s alleged sex tape. “Altصhoصugh our hearts صare broken, Lindsie iصs our daughter and we willص aصlways love her,” he told TصMZ Todd and hصis wife, Julie, werصe iصndicted on Aug. 13 on multصiple federalص charges incluصdiصnصg tax evasion, bank fraud, wireص fraud andص conspirصacصy. The صcouple pled not guilty in court the fصolloصwing daصy after turninصg themselves in, and have deniصed any صwrصongdoing  صA previous report suggested thصat Lindصsie, who left صthe famiصly’s reality show Chriصsley Knصoصws Best in 2017, leakصed inforصmation that led to Toصصdd and Julie’s charges. Her attoصrney Muصsa Ghصanayemص coصndemned the rumor in a statement to صHصollywoodLiصfe: “Linصdsie would like to thank all of her suصpصportersص. The cصircuصmstances Todd and Julie find thصemselves in, iصs quite uصnfoصrtunate. It was reported thصat Lindsie was the sصouصrce صof tصhe information that led toص her father’s arrest. Tصhat is unصtصrصue, she صwas not the source of this information,” thصe staصصtement sصaid The lawyer went on to explain why his صcصlient haصصs been keeping her distance from her familyص. “Linصdsie hصas beصen a constant target of lies, harassment صandص threatصs from her faصmily and as a result, has been disصtancingص صherself from the Cصhrisley family since 2017,” he صsaid in صthe stصatement, adding, “Lindsie صis currently proceصssing the صevents that have unfolded. We will cصontinue صtoص cooperate صwصith law enforcement and pray for a justص reصsolution. Weص will have more to say when the صopportuصnity صpresents itsصelf.ص Lindsie is currصently صprocessing the eصvents tصhat have unصfolded. صWe will continue to coصoperate with law enforصcemenصt and pray for a juصst resolution.”
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