Patriots’ preseason

صFiveص waysص fromص theص Patriots’ص preseasonص openerص a thoroughص 31-3 thrashingصof theصLionsصthat suggests صBill Belichick’sصteamص hasص madeص theص mostص ofص its صfirst صtwoص weeksص of صpracticeص By صmost صaccounts, Patriotsص trainingص campص hasص generallyص been an exercise صdominated by the صdefense صbut, still, undrafted rookie صJakobi Meyersص hasص managedص to create صa buzz amongص the receiving صcorps. And his performance in the Pats’ first exhibition should only صenhance theص excitementص over whatص he’s done in practiceص The 6-foot-2 صproduct صof North Carolina Stateص finished صwithص six catchesص for 69 yards صand twoص touchdownsص andص as impressiveص asص thoseص numbersص are for a صpro debut, theص nature of that production was arguably even more صencouragingص Hisص first twoص catchesص wereص bothصniftyصsnagsص amid صheavy trafficص the second صcoming in the endص zone after he was heldص whiصle comصingص out of hisص cut. Deصspite theص contact, heص fought through and extended his arms to reصel in Brian Hoyer’sص throصw. His صother touchdown came from Jarrett صStidham on the next drive, when he sصhook his mark at the line, cصreated sصpace, then spصrinted aصcross the goal line and caught a short pass in صstride. He showed quickصness in tiصght space there, theصn before صthe end صof the half he went over the midصdle of the field to mصake a catchص down the fiصeld. After that, he opeصned the second half with a صwell-executed drag route that endصed with the ball inص his handsص alongص tصhe left sidelinصe There wصas diveصrsity in his صroutes and his receptions, and absصolutely no evidenصce to corroborصate the comصbine صdata suggesting heص was the second-slowest receiver in this year’s dصraft. After that evalصuation process, thصe league’s own tracking systemص rated hصim as a 50-50 shot to make an NFL rostصer. After Thursday, the qصuestion doesn’t seem to be whether he belongs in the league ص but ratherص if he winصs a promصinent rolصe with the leصaguصe’s reigningصص champs.


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