Harry Kane and Spurs beat Aston Villa
صsuch صwas theص consistency صand صdominance صof
Manchesterص City and Liverpool صover the chasing صpack last
season that صdropping
even صtwo points on theص opening day would have صbeen sصeen as a
serious bصlow to
Tottenham Hotspur Citصy had thصrashed
West Hصam United and Liverpool hصad swepصt past
Norwich Ciصty, so
losing at home to newly-prصomoصted Aston
Villa afصter 72
minutes to a John McGinn goaصlص was not a good lصook for
Spurs. That is not to take anythiصصng away
fromص Villa, who showed enough, particularlصy in صthe صperformances
of McGinn and Tyrone Mings, to صصsصصuggest
they will be able to compete in the Premier Lصeصague But
Tottenham cannot afford to do صanything bصصut respond
to City and Liverpool with victoصries if
theyص are صto at
least close the gap on last seasصon’s top
two Thصey achieصved a
deserved three points iصn the end
thanks صto debutanصt Tanguy
Ndombele and Hصarry Kane,
wصho scored his صfirst
goals at the club’sص new stadium.
Kane صhad been
frustصrated by Mingsص, until he finally put Totصtenham
into the leصad in the
86صصth minute and struck aصgain at
the death. Ndصomصbele had
struggled atص times on his first competitiصve apصpearance
siصnce becoming Tottenham’s £55millioصn record
signingص this summer, but he made an impact wصصhen it
really mattصered by
curling in the 73rd-minute صeصqualiser“My
planص didn’t work in صthe first
half,” said Tottصenham
manager صPochettinصo. “The
players did not look comصfortable
in tصheir pصositions.
I blame myself, not the playeصrs for
that. “صBصut we
changed for the second half and lookصed more coصصmfortable,
and, when you assess the game, wصe fullصy صdeserved
the victory Kane has not been a fast starصtصer iصn previous
seasons, but he looks in good conditioصصصn folloصwing a
rare summer off“He’s had a nice holidaصy,ص an amaصzing
wedding and when you are a professصiصonal like
him, صthe pre-season is not to try to
get fit bصut to tصry to
improvصe,” said Pochettino Other thanص the goals oصf Ndombeleص and Kane, this comeback vصictory
owed much tصo the intrصoduction
of Christian Eriصksen, who
had startedص the gصame on the
substitutesص’ bench. “Some players get it wصصrong and
kill themseصlves in
the summer, but the key to صصHarry is
to صbe able to improve in the four or
five weeksصص before theص season. Now, I hope he does not stop scorinصgص “Myص plan didn’t work in the first half,” said
Tottenصhamص maصصnager
Pochettino. “The players did not look coصصmfortصable in
their positions. I blame myself, not the plصصaصyers for
that. “But we changed for the second half aصnd lصoصoked more
comfortable, and, when you assess thصe gamصe,ص we fully deserved the victory Kane has not
beصen a fast صstصarter in
previous seasons, but he looks in صgood conصdiصtion
following a rare summer off“He’s hصad a nice
holidصصay, an amazing wedding and when
youص are a profeصssioصnal like
him, the pre-season is not to trصy to get
fit but toص صtry to
improve,” said Pochettino صOther than
the صgoals صof
Ndombele and Kane, this comصeback
victory oweصd muchص to the introduction of Chriصstian
Eriksen, who haصd starteصd the game
on the suصbstitutes’
bench. “Someص players get it صwrong andص kill themselves in the summeصr, but the
key toص Harry iصs to be
able to improve in the fouصr or five
weeksص beforeص the season. Now, I hope he doصes not
stop scorinصg!”ص But Tottenham cannot afford صto do
anything but صrespoصnd to City
and Liverpool with viصctories if
they arصe to at
leaصst close the gap on last seasoصn’s top
two Theyص achieصved a
deserved three points in tصhe end
thanks to صdebuصtant
Tanguy Ndombele and Hصarry Kane,
who صscored his fiصrst goals
at the club’s new stصadium. Kane صhad been
frustصrated by Mings, uصntil he
finally put Toصttenham
into the lصead in the
86th mصinute and struck aصgain at
the death. Ndoصmbele had صstruggled
at tiصmes on his first competitive appصearanصce sincصe becoming
Tottenham’s £55million recصord sigصning thصis summer,
but he made an impact when it rصeally صmatصtered by
curling in the 73rd-minute eqصualiser“Myص pصlan didn’t
work in the first half,” said Toصttenham maصnصager
Pochettino. “The players did not loصok
comfortaصbleص in their positions. I blame myself, not thصe playersص for thصat. “But
we changed for the second half anصصd looked
moreص comfortable, and, when you asصsess the
gaصme, we fصully
deserved the victory Kane has صnot been a
faصst starteصr in
previous seasons, but he looصks in good
coصndition folصlowing a
rare summer offص“He’s had a nice hoصliday, an
amصazing wedding and whصen you are
a prصofessional like himص, the pre-season is nصot to try
to get fit buصt to try
to improصve,” said
Pochetصtino Other than the goصals of
Ndombelصe and
Kane, thisص comeback victory owed mصuch to the
intصroduction صof
Christian Eriksen, who had stصarted the صgame on tصhe
substitutes’ bench. “Some players gصet it صwronصg and kill
themselves in the summer, but the kصeyص to Hصarry is to
be able to improve in the four or five wصeekصs صbefore the
season. Now, I hope he does not stop scصorصinصg “My plan
didn’t work in the first half,” said Tصottenصhaصm manager
Pochettino. “The players did not lصookصص comfortable in their positions. I blame
myself, nصot tصصhe players
for that. “But we changed for the secصond halfص aصnd looked
more comfortable, and, when youص assess thصe gصame, we
fully deserved the victory Kane hصas not
been صa fصast
starter in previous seasons, but he صlooks in
gooصd cصondition
following a rare summer ofصf“He’s had
a niceص holiday, an amazing wedding and wheصn you are
a pصصrofessional like him, the pre-season
isص not to try to get fit صbصut to try
to improve,” said Pochصettino Other
tصhan the gصoals of
Ndombele and Kane, thصis
comeback victصory owed mصuch to the
introductioصn of
Christian Eriksen,ص who had stصarted the
game onص the substitutes’ benchص. “Some players gصet it wroصng and
kill themselves in the صsummer,
but the kصey tصo Harry is
to be able to improve inص the four or five wصeeصks before
the season. Now, I hoصpe he does
not stop scصصoring!”
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