David Luiz deal to Arsenal

Arsenalص has صagreedص a dealص toص signص Chelseaص defender صDavid صLuiz forص a feeص of صaroundص £8millionص Theص Brazilianص refusedص toص trainص onص Thursdayص asص heص lookedص to forceص throughص a shockص moveص toص theص Emiratesص Theص moveص has seeminglyص comeص outص ofص nowhereص butص Arsenal صwidenedص their searchص for a صcentreصbackص followingص theص departureص of صLaurent Koscielny to صBordeauxص Chelseaص areص currently صserving صa two-windowص transferص banص and itص wasص thought صunlikelyص thatص theص Blues wouldصsanctionص Luiz’sصdepartureص especiallyص to aص topص four صrival Howeverصthe صMirror صclaim صthat صa feeص of £8mص hasص beenص agreed betweenص theص two صpartiesص andص that صLuizص will صundergo aص medicalص in northص Londonص todayص Theص dealص is صa hugeص coup صfor صUnaiص Emery, whoص worked صwith صthe صBrazilian صwhenص he صwas صatص PSGص The Spaniard صadmires صLuiz’sص abilityص onص theص ball صandص heص beصlivesص he hasص at صleastص another صtwoص years صatص theص topص Luizص willص sign a صdeal withص theص Gunnersص until 2021ص replicating صtheص extensionص heص signed at صChelsea صjust صthree صmonths صagoص Arsenalص also صhopes toص sign Celticص ace صKieran صTierney صtoday صafter settlingص onص a £25m fee.


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