Jennie Garth

Jennieص Garthص isص oneص of صmanyص castص membersص returning صforص theص 90210ص rebootص. Sheص willص beص reprisingص herص roleص asص theص tortured صKellyص, andص givenص theص character’sص belovedص statusص, many صfansص areص wonderingص aboutص Garth’sص ageص andص howص longص she’sص beenص a Hollywoodص mainstayص. Accordingص toص Famousص Birthdaysص, Garthص isص 47 yearsص oldص. Sheص wasص bornص onص Aprilص 3, 1972 in Urbanaص, Illinoisص. Sheص dreamtص ofص beingص anص actressص fromص anص earlyص ageص, andص wasص discovered صbyص a talentص agentص whenص sheص wasص only ص13. Sheص madeص herص screenص debutص onص a 1989 episode صof صGrowing صPainsص, and صfollowed صit صupص with a recurring stint on the sitcom Brand New Life. Garth صfound صstardomص lessص thanص a yearص later when صsheص was صcastص onص Beverly صHillsص, 90210. صSheص wasص 17. Earth صappeared صin صall صtenصseasons صofص Beverly Hillsص, 90210. Sheص directed صtwoص episodesص, whichص was صtheص secondص mostص ofص any صcastص memberص, andص sheص wonص a Youngص Artist صAwardص inص 1992. She صwasص also صa big صpartص of صtheص spin-offsص Melrosصe Place صandص 90210, andص isص theص actorص whoص hasص appeared صinص theص mostص episodes across صtheص franchiseص. Garthص has صfrequently discussed صthe صrebootص andص howص ageص hasص allowedص herص and صtheص restص ofص theص castص toص look صfondly صuponص theirص timeص together


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