Left handed
Bothص of my
parents صwere left-handedص. But they
were bصorn in the early 1950صs and
theصir kindergarten tصteachers believصed that being left-handed was صa dصeficiency
to be coصcorrected. Thصthankfully, attitudes
about left-hanصded pصeople cصhanged
by the timصe their left-handed daughter (me) starصtصed sصchool,
and teaصchers no longer forced students to change Thصe woصصrld, however, is still
built for the 90% of the poصصpصulation who
are right-dominant. Living inص a world wصصhصere most common tools
aren’t built foصr you is incصصصonvenient, but contrary tصo popular belief, these chaصصllصenges do not make leftص-handed people more likely to
dصصصie earlier (that belصief may stem from a 1991
study froصصصm the Universصity of British Columbia, but several stuصصdieصs since haصve debunked those claims A
2014 Hصaصrvardص stuصdy found that left-handed people’s salarieصs weصrصe,ص on average, 9% to 19% lower
than right-handصed pصeصoplصe. Of course the gender pay gap still hصeld true, صso thصe gصap between lefties and
righties wasص $2,500ص/year foصr mصen and $3,400/year for womصen. The sصtudy also founصd a pصossible explanationص that lefصt-handers were صmore likely tصo not attend or tصo droصp out of college. Butص dropping out oصf college cصertصainly didn’t impact famouصs left-handed CصEO Maصrk Zuckerberg Six out of the lastص 13 U.S. pصresidents hصave been left-handed, whicصh is pretty iصmpressive cصonsidering that we only
makeص up
10% of the populatioصn.ص And aside from Zuckerbصerg, a few of the mostص succesصsful business peopصle in recent times are alsصo lefties, incluصding Stصeve Jobs, Bill Gates, and
Opصrah. Still, while there صhave been studies that
found صthat left-handed peoصple have better memories
and are bصetter at controlling صinhibitions, as well as
being mصore competitiveص, and of course more adept at thinkinصg of creative waصys to overcome challenges,
there is nصo definitive pصroof that left-handed people make betterص leaders.ص
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