Miley Cyrus and Liam separated

صLiamص andص Miley صhave صagreedص to صseparateص at صthis timeص a rep for صCyrus told the صpublication in a صstatementصEver-evolvingصchanging as partners and individuals, they have decided this is what's best whileص they bothص focus on themselves صand careersصThey still صremainص dedicatedص parents toص all of theirص animals theyص share whileص lovinglyص taking thisص time apart. صPlease respect صtheir process and privacy." On Saturday, Miles صposted photos صof herself صon Instgramص in whichص she صwas notص wearing herص wedding ringص"Mute me if صyou don't want صSPAMMEDصshe captioned صone post It had صseemed صthings wereص going صwell for theص couple.ص Cyrus recently told Howard Stern on his SIRIUSXM Satellite صshowص that she lصloved صHemsworth even moreص after he saved their animals from a wildfire in Malibu, California last November Cyrus lost home in the fire She told Elle for it's August cover story صthat she was happy صnot fitting "into aص stereotypical wife role"I think it's very confusing صto people that I'm married. But my relationshipص is unique," Cyrus said.ص "I don't knowص that I would everص publiclyص allowص people in صthere because it's soص complex, and modernص, and new that I don't think we're in صa place where people would get it," she said.ص "I mean, do people صreally think that I'm at home in a f***ing apronص cooking dinner? صI'm in a hetero صrelationship, but Iص still am very sexually attracted to women. Peopleص become vegetarian صfor health reasons, صbut bacon is still f***ing good, and I know that. I made a partner decision.ص This is the person I feel has my back the most. I definitely don't fit into a stereotypical صwife role. I don't even like that word Cyrus and Hemsworth met in 2009 on the set ofص "The Last Song,"ص and were on-againص off-again forص year’s صbefore heص proposed in 2012. Theyصthen صsplit andص got backص togetherص in 2015 In December 2018, Cyrusص surprised followers when she posted Instgramص shots of theirص 
wedding صceremonyص at her home in Franklin, صTennessee

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